推文:Facebook Plurk
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2006/8/6 下午 03:19:54
附註:這是我的暑假作業 寫文章之後續


Steve feel in the water color pen in the his hand to seem to have vitality.
That water color pen seems to be is about to help him to open a door. The world in the door is waiting for him. him can't be waiting for .

And took place afterwards and exactly what matter?
steve and the water color pen how again?
Let me as you to publish one by one.

Afterwards the steve start wanting live a wealthy and luxurious life with the water color pen. Certainly the water color pen also provides a lot of lifes to enjoy for him.
Seem to eat big meat of big fish、 live very comfortable life、 don't worry money during a lifetime......Etc. But he has never thought a matter.
Thus the comfortable life leads long will bring his very big trouble.
Originally this water color pen also can't seem the steve to spend lavishly to use benefit on oneself's body so. If do so the sorcery of the water color pen will disappear almost. Even will bring very big injury. And the Steve didn't think of this still didn't stop an usage hence . The water color pen disappeared finally finally.
The life that had no the water color a steve becomes very hard up right away.
The life becomes and similar hard up this let the steve come to realize suddenly before. Can't be because of there ising the water color pen to forget own original intention.
Can't because of there ising wealthy life to forget an oneself before is how the cook came over.

He appreciates the water color pen of the disappearance let him use a hard-working mindset from now on over every day.

【The follow-up is over】

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